I feel expectant and not a lot else,

The summer is coming but what will it bring?

A time to rest filled with excitement?

Or busyness completed with peace?

Rest is on my doorstep but why can’t I reach,

Falling short, missing out, incomplete.

What is rest, why do I crave it?

It slows my pace and fills in the gaps,

I am humbled and strengthened here.

The excitement starts with a fire, a passion,

It turns a new page and writes a new song,

It drives the army and lights the dancer.

Busy, rushing, sorting, organising,

Daily tasks, menial but required.

Planning and in charge, new family new relationships,

A chance to take new steps in faith.

Peace, oh yes please.

Breathe in, deep. Breathe out, sigh.

Close your eyes, hear the rain, feel the sun on your skin.

Absorb the colours from Creation.

This is what is coming.


A song what I wrote… I will re-record it at some point but here’s the lyrics. I started writing this song when I was 15 and have literally in the last 10 minutes written a second verse. Its been a messed up couple of weeks for me and seeing an old friend gave me the boost I needed to sort it out. So, I went for a walk with God and after a LOT of talking I somehow ended up singing my song, and thus came the second verse.

Early in the morning as I look upon your face,
I realise I love you Lord, your unending grace.

I get up and get outside,
Don’t know whether to run or hide,
Don’t know I feel inside for you.

My all,
I give you my soul,
With messed up hair and messed up mind,
I wanna leave the past behind,
I wanna start a new life with you Lord!

Sometimes I make mistakes but you will always care,
I want to run and hide away but wherever I go you’re there.

God you hold me oh so tight,
So much so I cannot fight,
The urge to love you Jesus day and night.

My all,
I give you my soul,
With messed up hair and messed up mind,
I wanna leave the past behind,
I wanna start a new life with you Lord!!

The winter brings and unnerving chill, a fear to fulfil the births of spring,

You bring a rug, and some cocoa and echo ‘rest’ into my soul.

In the Spring comes buds of life, no strife, all nature naturally being.

You create joy and living miracles, even the cynical can’t help a smile.

Summer is when that loving feeling grows, flows in the river of your fire.

The Lord of all can be seen in a starry sky, as I lie and breathe you in.

In the Autumn the leaves turn from green to gold, and we’re told something is coming.

Death cannot hold you, the King, and I sing ‘You’re my reason why’.

A splurge of thoughts – no editing.
I want to be inspired to write, to dance, to love,
A push to remind me how to be me,
Fading out of the young girl,
How do I do that?

Ebbing and flowing in and out of struggle and ease,
That was easy, all I wanted on a plate before me,
What of that now?

I have the same dreams, desires and passions,
A step out of chaos into security,
How long will this last?

Love poured out in so many forms,
Trying to give back but there’s something else inside,
Who will set that free?

I know what I want, in some way,
But I know I have all I need, love in abundance,
Then why does my body/heart/soul groan?

A wife, mother and lover are stored up in my being,
Created for more than now, more than this,
But what?

I appreciate the past, I love the present and I dream in the future.

It sets a smile on my face, a fire in my heart and lights a canlde in my soul.

Dear You,

There is a place that I call home,
A place in Your arms of safety, a fortress,
Where our spirts align and the strength grows.

Pastures green bask in your shining glory,
Birds sing an ode to the King,
Heaven touches earth for a divine moment.

Lillies open up to see Your face,
Sunflowers watch and follow Your every move,
Paradise found in a simple look.

My body mind spirit pulsating with Yours,
I dance, I sing, I live for You.
My endless love for You returned abundantly.

Faithfully, yours forever, daughter of the King,
Helen Joy

I had that first line in head for a good month. A million songs came to mind and I tried to write my own. Eventually I jotted it down in a letter slash poem.
My heart decided to wake up the other day and I wrote this…

Not you, you broke it and smashed it too many times to bear,
Frixed and broken again, endless accounts of repair.
I don’t ask for it all, not now, all at once,
But show me a little of yours and give mine the chance.

This new dizzy sensation of old has come back,
Scary, frightened, afraid of what I lack.
But excited and calm and happy and tearful,
Wanting to give my heart, but protect it also.

Will you hurt me?
Will you take the chance?
Will you allow what the heart wants?

So, yerr.        Hiii!

I’m on t’internet properly now with a  blog and everything. Bit mental, eh.